Welcome to my blog on all that is sweet and decadent. I hope through this I may share my passion for the finer things in life like candy, cookies, pies, chocolate, cake and oh so much more!!! I am opening myself up to share with the world this passion of mine. This will include recipes, tutorials, photos, thoughts and maybe even some videos eventually. So come dive in with me and don't forget to bring that sweet tooth of yours!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Classic but oh, so good

This isn't some elaborate recipe, just a good ol' basic chocolate chip cookie. My sister in law asked if I would make some cookies for dessert tonight, so I just whipped up a batch. It is easy but always a favorite it seems. Nothing tastes better than a chocolate chip cookie coming warm out of the oven. Yum yum!!! The only problem is stopping at just one.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quick Smores on a Stick

Here is a quick and easy tasty treat. Don't have time or fire to do the "real thing" with smores? Here is an alternative that is fun to do and great as a little dessert for a party or gathering. All you need is:
-Chocolate (Whatever kind you fancy)
-Graham Crackers
-Paraffin Baking Wax (Optional)
Hope that you enjoy this tutorial and have lots of fun with it!

Stick marshmallows on skewers

Crumb graham crackers in food processor or whatever you
want to use.

Melt chocolate using a double boiler method

Add paraffin wax to hot melted chocolate

Dip skewered marshmallows in melted chocolate

Then dip into graham cracker crumbs

Let the treats set until chocolate hardens. (You can also
put them in the freezer if you want them cold). Serve and enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Day

So I know that I am a little late for the whole Valentines Baking thing right? Valentines has come and gone, adios till next year. Well I am a late bloomer I guess, actually my real reason for waiting a couple days after the holiday is that I am planning on bringing all these goodies to the doctors, nurses and patients at the cancer center. Since my appointment is Tuesday, I wanted the goodies to be fresh so I spent a wonderful day baking in the kitchen. It is so relaxing and soothing experience for me, baking that is. I feel like I am able to just unleash my creative juices and let them burst. I am a little bit more traditional and haven't stepped out of "my" realm too much, but can't wait to get the courage to be a little wacky and go through a lot of trial and error. I find myself a lot sticking with what I know to be good, because well I know they are good. But it is adventure time. If anyone has some amazing recipes that they simply love I would be love to give them a whirl. Send them my way!!! Below are some photos from my Valentines baking project. I had a good ol' time making everything, Valentines is one of my favorite holidays to bake for. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and Happy Baking!!!

Yummy Valentines Cupcakes
More and more Cupcakes

Cupcakes all packaged up in their cute little boxes

Heart shaped brownies in their cute little boxes

Sugar cookie cutouts, all decorated to a T

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sweets: an intoxicating journey

I am super excited about starting this new blog. I am still going to continue with my original blog but have had some inspiration lately to do a different and fun one. I love, love, love both cooking and baking, but I have always said that if I had to choose one I would defiantly go with the baking. I feel that I can put more of ME into that style of culinary art. I always thought that if I ever made my way to a Culinary Arts School, I would probably major in pastry arts. You can put and express so much beauty in a sweet dessert. It can take someone to a whole different place in their head and heart. It can make a bad day a WHOLE lot better. Just that one small taste of chocolate can intoxicate you body, mind and soul. It is weird but don't sweets just seem to have that affect? We eat them when we are happy, we eat them when we are sad, we eat them to celebrate accomplishments, or maybe just to finish off that perfect meal. Whatever it is I think most agree that sweets are in our lives daily and they are WONDERFUL (Our waistlines just don't like them too much)!

I feel that baking is one way that I can give back to people. I always loved baking individual things for people while I was up in Montana cooking for hundreds. Just to send someone a little sweet and let them know you are thinking of them and care. I was known as the cheesecake lady up at the place I worked. I was known for making good cheesecakes. The funny thing is, I am not a huge fan of them. But love making them!!! So that became kind of a trademark of mine. Lately I have been trying many new things and making sweet packages for the staff and patients at the cancer center. I bring them things every several weeks or so. It is so rewarding just to see the smiles on their faces when you give them that box or bag of goodies. I am working on Valentines goodies to bring to everyone on Tuesday. I have so much fun creating these desserts.

Back when I was living in Montana a friend of mine got me a starter kit of decorating tips and bags. I now have expanded my collection quite a bit. I have several boxes with fun tools and LOTS of cookie cutters and molds and the list can go on and on. You see I discovered a cake decorating and supply store around the corner from my house. DANGEROUS!!!! It is the sweetest little shop, but jam packed full of wonderful tools and everything you can think of. I just love going in and getting ideas for new things to create and try to restrain myself from buying the place out when I go. I am trying to build my collection of baking stuff a little at a time. Last time I went, I got the cutest little bug sucker/candy mold. So my collection is growing a little by little. It is so exciting!! Maybe my dream that I have had for so long will come true where I can open up my own bakery. Oh............. what a dream that would be. Lately I have been thinking of how I can sell my baked goods to benefit cancer somehow. I am working on finding a way to use this to help that other important part of my life.
So grab your apron and join me in this utterly sweet and decadent journey in my kitchen!!!!